Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
Matthew and Preslee had already suffered a miscarriage and were devastated when Preslee gave birth to their second child but she was stillborn. They held a memorial service which brought some comfort to them. However, days later, they became overwhelmed with grief. Preslee questioned why it had to happen, why she had to get sick, and wondered if she should have done something different. Matthew felt as if God owed him another girl. After all, he was serving Him and had dedicated his life to Him and he wanted this. In the following days they received encouragement and prayer from family and friends, including Matthew’s mother. A close friend had shared with her that eventually, God would give the couple a harvest of joy. She believed that this was a Word from God. When she did research, she found Psalm 126:5-6, “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves.” Matthew, however, felt as if God had gone silent. He prayed and fasted, seeking the Holy Spirit’s touch once again. He prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill him and give him guidance, peace and to help him release the pain. Four months later, while at church on Mother’s Day, the couple felt as if God broke His silence. A baby dedication was taking place reminding them of the fact that they could have been dedicating their baby also on that day. Yet, God told them that they had grieved long enough and it was time to move on. Weeks later, Preslee was pregnant again. In spite of fear and anxiety, she delivered a healthy baby girl. A few years later, she gave birth to a baby boy. Matthew believes that God has smiled on them and given them favour. He believes that God will make things right and do so as if they never happened to you. I am encouraged by this testimony because although they went through their season of grief, they did not stay there. God brought them through it. Yes, it was tough, but they learned to trust and lean on God in spite of it all. Like the testimony last week, I love their honesty. Matthew admitted that he felt that God owed him especially since he was serving Him and had dedicated his life to Him. Maybe some of us can relate. After all, you are doing your best to live right, to obey God, to do what He wants you to do, and yet, tragedy strikes and you wonder, “Why Lord?” “How could this have happened when I am doing everything I can to serve You?” It can be disheartening when we realise that although we are serving Him to the best of our ability, bad things can still happen. Yet, I am realising that, with God, tough times really do not last forever. Bad things may happen, but God is right there giving us the strength to make it through. And, as if that isn’t enough, He uses our difficult season to strengthen us, mould and shape us and even as a testimony to encourage others. God knows how to bring good out of every bad situation we may face. I don’t think He ever allows it to come our way without ensuring that there is good on the other side of it. This I think is encouraging. So, be encouraged today. Tragic seasons don’t mean that it’s the end. God still has a beautiful plan for your life. It’s not over because something bad has happened. In fact, it could signal the beginning of something new. Allow God to have the final say. He knows what He is doing. Just trust Him! If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Saviour, I encourage you to do so today. Once you are alive, bad things may come but God is not finished with you yet! He still has a plan, He still has a purpose for you and it is more beautiful than you can ever imagine.
1 Comment
18/9/2024 06:19:24 pm
Praise God
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October 2024
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |