Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
Mike and Melissa were spending time with their family hiking in the woods. Suddenly, a giant tree branch broke off and fell some sixty feet to the ground landing squarely on the head of their four year old daughter Mia. They were sure they had lost her but when she screamed out a little over a minute later, they knew she was still alive. Mike called 911 for help and Mia was taken to a nearby hospital. Her parents cried out to God for help. They sincerely believed that He was their only hope. Mia was then transferred to a children’s hospital where doctors confirmed that she had a traumatic brain injury, fractured skull and bleeding in and around the brain. The next day, when taken out of her medically induced coma, Mia was alert and coherent. Weeks later she underwent surgery to repair her skull and a tear to the door of her brain. She recovered all of her cognitive function and all of her personality. Mia made a full recovery and today remains healthy and full of life. Months later she confessed to her father that she had dreamed that Jesus was with her and that He had brought her home. Mike and Melissa credit prayer and the peace that God gave them for taking them through their ordeal. They know that they could not have done it without Jesus. I parallel this story to the story of Jairus in the Bible (Mark 6:22-24, 35-43). He went to Jesus for help for his daughter who was terribly sick. On their way back to his home, they were told that his daughter had died. There seemed to be no hope and it did not make sense troubling Jesus to still come to his home. Similarly, Mia’s accident seemed hopeless. After all, what were the chances that she could possibly survive such a horrible and life-threatening accident. Yet, like Jairus, Mike and Melissa both chose to cling to Jesus in hope. Melissa admits that she remembered the story of the woman in the Bible with the issue of blood. When she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment she was healed. Melissa believed that if Jesus was living in her, then His power was in her and she could pray and her daughter could be healed. She then began to pray over and over again for her daughter’s healing. As children of God, that same Jesus who performed miracles, lives in you and me. Many times, we don’t realise it, we don’t even think about it especially when the problem seems so much bigger than us. But, the reality is that the all-powerful God is living in us … and that’s where our hope comes from. It doesn’t come from our ability because we can’t do it ourselves, but it comes from the God who is very much alive inside each of us. Our hope is therefore, never far away … He’s always right there. For both Melissa and Mike and for Jairus, the problem was bigger than they could handle but it could not erase the fact that Jesus was even bigger than the reality of what they were facing. And, as soon as they tapped into Him, a miracle took place. It would have been so much easier to focus on the problem directly in front of them. However, I have come to realise from experience, that when faced with a problem we can allow one of two things to happen - we can allow the problem to draw us away from God or allow it to draw us closer to Him. The latter is, of course, what He wants. Mike and Melissa and Jairus all chose to allow the problem to draw them closer to Jesus, trusting Him to do something impossible. I don’t know what your challenge is but you have a choice. Ever so often, when faced with challenges that are too big for me, I would sense the Lord saying to me, “Give it to me.” I know it’s Him because when I hand it over, I experience a peace that really doesn’t make any sense. Melissa herself admitted that the peace they experienced in the midst of their situation made no sense but she knew that God was the one who gave her the peace she needed. But then again, that’s the God we serve - a God who will give us a peace that surpasses all understanding when faced with difficult and impossible situations; a God who will strengthen us and help us through even the most hopeless of challenges. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Saviour, I encourage you to do so today. Jesus is the peace we need when we need it. It doesn’t matter how hopeless or how difficult the problem, God’s peace gives us the comfort and strength we need to make it through.
There is a story in the Bible about three men receiving talents from their master who was about to go on a trip. One man received five talents, another received two and the last man received one. According to the account, each man received talents according to his own personal ability. But, what I like about this story is the fact that each man received something. Not one was rejected or neglected, they all received something based on what they were able to handle. This story could so easily be about comparison but it’s actually not. We are not told that any of these men complained about what they had received. We are not told that they even compared what they had received with someone else’s talents. The first two, at least, simply went and invested what they had been given and received an increase. This story reminds me of the reality that God has made deposits in each of our lives and what He has deposited is of great worth and value. We don’t need to compare ourselves with anyone else or believe that we are at a disadvantage … because we are not. God has given each person exactly what they need to fulfil His plan and purpose for their life. And that right there is the key thing. One of my favourite verses is found in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God gives us what we need to fulfil His specific purpose for our lives. So, if He gives us five talents to fulfil His purpose through us then five talents is all we need. If He gives us only one, then one is all we need. It’s not about quantity, it’s about purpose! I recently had a conversation with a vocal trainer. We were looking at a number of things including the process and purpose of vocal training. For her, it did not matter whether the person had a so-called good voice or a so-called bad voice. It was about working with the voice the person has and the person learning to work with and appreciate the uniqueness of their own voice. It was about taking that voice and bringing out its full potential; it’s also about a person learning to find their own voice. That conversation encouraged me because I am reminded that God never makes a mistake. And, whatever He has deposited in us He knows exactly how to use it to be a blessing to others. In short, what you have matters, no matter how small or big; it is filled with more worth and value than you can imagine! At the end of the story of the talents, the master returns home and each man has to give account for what he did with his talents. The first two men were able to happily report that they had invested the talents and received an increase. Their master was pleased and rewarded them accordingly. The last man, however, did not wisely use what he had been given and his master became angry with him. He took the little that he had and gave it to someone else. You might think that the one talent was insignificant enough that the master would not care, but he did. That one talent was of great worth and value and maybe sometimes the little that we think we have seems so insignificant and of so little value that we take it for granted. The problem is, God does not see it that way. He knows that every little deposit from Him is of great value. We need to see it that way too and choose to do something with what we have been given. At the end of the day, only God’s opinion truly counts. Genesis 1:31 says, “And God saw everything that He had made and behold it was very good.” God knows that whatever His hands have made is good. Whatever, He has deposited in us is good. He doesn’t make anything worthless or of lesser value. Some things may require extra work, an investment of time and effort, but it’s still good. You are of great value and what God has put in you is of great worth and value. Never allow anyone or anything to cause you to believe less. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Saviour, I encourage you to do so today. God wants to do great things in and through you. He knows that what He has put in you is good and of great value - and so are you. Believe that you are of worth; believe that what God has put in you is of great value because God is good and faithful. I recently listened to a song by Bethel Music entitled: Back to Life. I actually heard it quite by accident. I was watching one of those YouTube shorts which was based on a few lines of this song. The video showed examples of people whose lives God had miraculously spared. The examples were so extreme that it seemed that there was no other reason that they were spared than the fact that God had stepped in and saved them. But what drove these testimonies making them even more powerful was the lyrics of the song: The enemy thought he had me But Jesus said:“You are mine!” The lyrics were like a victory chant and the driving music made them even more so! It brought me to the point of being thankful. God has spared us time and again - some of us more than others - and we need to be thankful for His goodness and faithfulness to us. I, for one, know I need to be more thankful. It can be so easy to get caught up in the challenges of the day but the reality is, those challenges will never be bigger than the God we serve. In recent times I have been hearing words to the effect that we are fighting from a place of victory not for victory. It’s a reminder to me that Jesus has already done it! When you think about His finished work on the cross, it’s a reminder that the devil is indeed a defeated foe. Jesus fought and won battles for us on that cross. We don’t have to fight as if we are defeated. Rather, we need to remember that Jesus who won the victory on that cross, has already won the victory for us. No longer I who live but Christ in me For I’ve been born again, my heart is free The hope of Heaven before me, the grave behind Hallelujah, You brought me back to life. The very first line of this song is a reminder that Christ is the One living in us. Our Defender is living in us and instead of living with the fear of defeat, maybe we need to live with the confidence that it is already won. Yes, we will have to go through the process. Yes, there may be pain and stress and suffering at times. But it is through the process that we learn, that we are strengthened, that we grow. At the end of the day, God is working a far greater work in us through it all, than we could ever dream or imagine. It’s difficult to be thankful when faced with difficult circumstances, but it’s not impossible. It’s a choice actually, not a feeling. It’s an act of obedience: “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). When Jonah was in the belly of a whale because of his disobedience to God, he gave God a sacrifice of thanksgiving. Yes, he was in a very uncomfortable position and did not know when or if he would be delivered but he chose to be thankful to God: “For I with shouts of grateful praise will sacrifice to You…” (Jonah 2:9a NIV). Daniel and his people, the Jews, had been taken captive to a foreign land. When it was legally forbidden to worship his God, he still chose to bow his knees three times a day and pray and give thanks to his God (Daniel 6:10). Why? Because his God was still worthy even in trying and difficult times. And, let’s not forget Paul and Silas (Acts 16:16-25). They had been unfairly thrown into prison because they had brought about the deliverance of a girl in the name of Jesus Christ. Yet, although thrust into a dark prison with their feet fastened in stocks, they chose to pray and sing praises to God (v. 25). God was still worthy in spite of what they were going through! Thanksgiving is a choice, not a feeling. It doesn’t matter what we go through or what comes our way, no negative situation is ever or will ever be bigger than our God. Our God will always be stronger, mightier and above all victorious. And the devil will still continue to be a defeated foe! So, as children of God, when we are going through and are tempted to give up, remember to whom you belong. The enemy may think and act like he's got you, as if he has the final say but the God you serve, Jesus, who paid the price for you on that cross still says: “You are mine!” If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Saviour, I encourage you to do so today. Jesus did not pay the price for you in vain. He died so that you could truly live and live an abundant life through Him. After all, it’s no longer you who live but it is Christ who lives in and through you! At five and a half months old, Adrian struggled to transition to solid food. Doctors realised he was having issues with his digestive system. As a result, efforts to eat brought a lot of pain and he only got relief when put on IV nutrition. On top of all of that, he experienced a number of problems, including epilepsy. His mother would cry out to God but, when the tears stopped, she would feel His presence. His father was angry with God and could not understand why his son was going through what he was. By the time Adrian turned eleven years old, their doctor advised them to take a trip to help build some memories. He did not believe Adrian would live to see the following year. After ruling out trips to Disney World and the beach because they knew he would not be able to enjoy them, they decided to go to a Christian conference. There, Adrian told his mother that he now knew that whatever God has for him that’s what he wants. He knew that God wants the best for him. They went to a breakout session on healing at the end of which, they asked if anyone wanted a miracle. Adrian raised his hand. When asked, he told the young man who came to him that he could not eat. The young man prayed for him, for new life in his stomach and his digestive system. Afterwards, his mother asked if he felt anything different. He did not but admitted that it was a good experience. They went for lunch before the next session. Adrian asked for the breadstick to play with. His mother thought nothing of it since, at home, she would give him food on his plate to play with so he could be a part of the meal. To everyone’s surprise, he ate it and he even asked for another. Before, he could not even eat tiny amounts of watermelon without feeling ill! His parents decided to observe him to see what would happen. He went to bed and the next morning woke up feeling perfectly fine. He even asked for breakfast! After that, they could not stop him. He was eating everything - burgers, fries, salads, pizza, ice-cream - without a problem. When they returned home to Norway, the doctors admitted that it could not be explained medically. His physiotherapist said that this was a miracle from God. His parents realised that now he had a future. His mother believes that their prayers over the years kept him alive, even though he wasn’t healed at that time. Adrian believes in the power of prayer and the power of God. He believes that nothing is impossible with God. I am reminded of the fact that God does not touch everyone in the same way. In Adrian’s case, after being prayed for, he felt nothing different. But, when they went out to eat, he was able to eat a breadstick and feel perfectly fine. That was not possible before with even tiny pieces of watermelon! You may not always “feel” something when God touches you. Sometimes, it’s simply a question of trusting God’s Word, His ability to do something even though you don’t feel or see a difference. I am also reminded of Jeremiah 29:11 which says: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Adrian’s condition seemed to wipe out any possible future he could have. His parents were living with the expectation that his life would be cut short. After his healing, they admitted that they could now see a future for him. When we are going through and can see no way out, no possible means of escape, it can be difficult to imagine having a future. But, at the end of the day, our circumstances, our condition, do not dictate or determine our future. When we choose to put our trust and hope in El-Roi, the God Who Sees us, He is the One who determines our future. He is the One who is able to make a way where there seems to be no way. Just when the doctors gave up on Adrian, El-Roi made a way and he received his healing! I don’t know what you may be going through, but God still has the final say! As bad as things may look, even to the point where you and others have given up on your situation, God is still the One to determine your future, NOT your situation, NOT the opinions of people, and certainly NOT your fears! God created you with a plan in mind. He did not inform you of the pitfalls and challenges that would come along the way, but, His plan has not changed. It remains the same and it’s a good plan. Just trust Him! If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Saviour, I encourage you to do so today. God wants what is best for you. God knew trouble would come along your journey but He still has a plan and a future for you…even while you are going through. Trust His plan, trust His future for you. You will not be disappointed! In 2011 Britney was driving with her two daughters when their car was hit head on by a 4x4 truck. This caused grid-lock traffic on the highway. Several motorists hurried to help them. They were able to get them all out safely. Seconds later, the car burst into flames. One of the motorists stuck in the grid-lock traffic, saw the flames in the distance and began to pray for them. While the driver of the truck was unhurt, Britney’s two daughters had fortunately suffered no life-threatening injuries. Her 4-year old had two broken arms and her 5-week old had a few cuts. Britney, on the other hand, had suffered the worst of it. She was bleeding internally, had multiple fractures and was in critical condition. During her flight to the hospital, she coded twice. Doctors were mainly concerned about her massive neck trauma and whether or not she had broken her spinal cord. Various people began praying for her, among them, the motorist who had begun praying for her on the highway and who had not stopped praying. She had even encouraged others to pray for her especially when she found out that Britney was a nurse with whom she worked. Fortunately, it was discovered that there was no spinal injury and her neck would heal in time. In spite of it all, Britney believed that God had allowed them to live for a reason and that He was going to take care of them. This gave her a sense of peace. Over more than a year, she had two more surgeries and continued rehab. She finally walked on her own, returned to her job as a nurse and today continues to see healing. She admits that everything is not healed, that God has been healing her bit by bit. She has learned to accept how He chooses to heal her, to accept His will for her healing. Britney had been told that she would not walk again, that she would not be a nurse again, that her accident was unsurvivable. Yet, against all odds, what she was told she would not be able to do, she has done. She counters those negative statements with the fact that with God all things are possible. One of the first things to grab my attention is the fact that a motorist, who had no clue who the victims were, began praying for them. The fact is, you never know who God has prompted to pray for you. You may be thinking that you are alone in your situation, that nobody knows or cares what is happening to you, but God always has someone out there praying for you - even though they may not know you by name. God knows exactly how to take care of His own. Britney was unconscious and could not cry out for help, but God had people there ready to come to her assistance both physically and spiritually. That’s the God we serve! As Psalm 94:14 says: “The Lord will not reject His people; He will not abandon His special possession.” Secondly, Britney admits that her healing continues. It has not happened all at once. It has been a process, it has taken time. We thank God when He chooses to heal instantly, but we also thank God when He chooses to take us through a process of healing. Sometimes we need to remember that it’s not always about how quickly God responds but the fact that He does respond, even though it may seem to take longer than we would like. God is still in control and His timing is perfect! “The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord” (Lamentations 3:25-26). Thirdly, Britney had been told what she would never be able to do again. However, God stepped in and proved that He has the final say. We may be tempted to believe what the experts say but at the end of the day, our outcome is not based on what man says or believes but on who God is and what He is able to do. As Britney rightly said, “With God all things are possible!” (Matthew 19:26) Always remember that as a child of God, your life is in His hands. You are not alone or on your own. God is right there, guiding, leading and keeping you every step of the way, even when it does not seem like He is. He is able even when you are not and whatever He allows, He will use all of it, both good and bad, to bring about the best for your life. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into you life as your personal Lord and Saviour, I encourage you to do so today. You never know what life will throw your way, but you can have the confidence that God is right there, orchestrating and working out everything for your good! |
October 2024
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |