Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
![]() For the past several mornings I have been reading the book of 1 Samuel. I’m at the point where David is on the run because king Saul is trying to kill him. Even as this interesting story is unfolding – yes, I’m very familiar with it and it is still as interesting now – I’m reminded of the reality that nothing and no one can stop what God has ordained for our life. I mean, God had rejected king Saul because of his disobedience to His instructions and He had chosen and anointed a new king, David. When Saul realised what was going on, he became so jealous that he started to do everything in his power to kill David. Yet, even this could not stop God’s plan for David’s life. Saul relentlessly pursued David trying to secure his throne. Here’s the problem: God had already shut the door on him and he could not re-open it. His opportunity was gone. God had already chosen and anointed David and Saul could not reverse it. Sometimes, we just need to stop focusing on the problem and acknowledge and stand on the truth that God wants to do something in our life and there is nothing the enemy can do to stop it. Maybe the issue really isn’t the problem, maybe it really isn’t the “storm”. All these things are in reality DISTRACTIONS sent to cause us to lose our focus; to cause us to stop reaching for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. And that’s why it’s a distraction. We don’t realise sometimes that it can’t kill us, it can’t destroy us – that’s the lie the devil wants us to believe – it can only cause us to lose our focus. Too many times we do glorify the problem as if it were a god but in reality, it’s just a distraction. And if the devil can get us to lose our focus, all he will be able to accomplish is a delay. The only thing king Saul could do was delay David’s ascension to the throne – but he could not stop it. If only we can remember that the devil cannot actually stop us but simply delay us, we would not spend so much time and energy fighting a battle God has already won. His purpose WILL prevail … not even the devil can stop that. As I look at my own life, there are enough examples of storms or rather distractions that have come my way - and they are still coming – to prevent God’s purpose for my life. Things that attacked me emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. It has not been easy but God has brought and continues to bring me through each one. Even now when the devil attacks my mind with negative thoughts I realise it is a distraction. The issue isn’t the thoughts but the PURPOSE behind the thoughts. So, it doesn’t matter what the enemy sends your way – a storm, temptation, fear, etc – remember the goal before you and that these "distractions" are meant and sent to blow you off course. They can’t actually kill or destroy you unless you allow it. They can’t stop God’s purpose for your life, they can only delay it. God’s got your back. Let Him handle it, and He WILL bring you safely into His plan and purpose for you.
![]() As I recall stories of storms in the New Testament I've noticed that they usually seemed to come while out in the open sea. I am reminded of not one but two stories where the disciples got into a boat to go to the other side. In one instance, Jesus was with them, but He was asleep. The storm arose but it didn’t disturb His peaceful slumber. It was only when His disciples awakened Him that He became aware of what was happening. Even then He was not afraid. He simply rebuked the wind and waves and they quieted down (Matthew 8:23-26). On the other occasion, He was on the land and saw them in the middle of the sea struggling against the rough waters. He went to them walking on water and as soon as He got into the boat, without a word from Him, the wind died down (Matthew 14:22-32). On both occasions they reached safely to their destination. I find it interesting that while Jesus and His disciples were on land, there was no storm. But as soon as they got in the boat to go to the other side, a storm arose on their way there. Let’s face it, Jesus never went to the other side for no reason, He was always on a mission; it was for purpose. Life would be so much easier if we chose to stay on land, if we chose to leave the other side alone. You see, it seems safer on land, there are no storms to face. Many times, when God tells us to step out, to leave where we are and go, it takes a lot of courage because we don’t know what challenges we are going to meet. And so sometimes we just prefer to stay in our comfort zone, to stay on land because it is safer, it is predictable, we can handle it. But stepping out on the sea takes courage and faith because once we make a move, the devil is just waiting to derail us, to stop us in our tracks, to hinder us from getting to the other side where God’s purpose for us lies. But, if we would only remember that Jesus is always in the boat with us - He might be sleeping but He’s there, He might be on land looking at us struggling against the storm but He will make His way to the boat to help us - if we would only remember that He will never leave us nor forsake us, then we would get into that boat with confidence, knowing that whatever storm comes our way, Jesus is right there taking us through safely to our destiny. After all nothing can stop the destiny that God has planned for us … especially when we make the choice, in faith, to simply GET UP and GO to the other side. |
February 2025
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |