Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
![]() The word “storm” usually conjures negative feelings and images. Images of turmoil and feelings of fear seem characteristic of one’s expectations of a storm. Over the past few weeks I have found myself sharing on and comparing the story of two storms in the Bible. In the first account (Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41), Jesus and His disciples get into a boat intending to sail to the other side. While on their way, Jesus falls asleep. A windstorm comes up and the waves begin to beat into the boat filling it with water. The disciples, terrified, cry out to Him waking Him up from His very comfortable sleep. When He awakens, He simply and calmly rebukes the wind and the sea. Everything becomes calm again. In the second account (Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-51), Jesus directs His disciples to get into a boat to go to the other side while He Himself goes to the mountain to pray. After awhile, the winds become contrary and the disciples find it difficult to row. Jesus, on land, sees them struggling and goes to them walking on the water. They don’t recognise Him, believing that they are seeing a ghost. However, when He speaks to them they recognise Him. When Peter asks to come to Him on the water, He allows him and Peter leaves the boat and walks towards Him. Unfortunately, when he takes his eyes off of Him, he begins to sink. As he cries out, Jesus immediately reaches out and rescues him. As they both enter the boat safely, the wind becomes calm again. In both stories, stormy weather was involved. In both stories, the occupants of the boat were filled with fear. Yet, in both stories, their Saviour was there. In the first account, Jesus was sleeping peacefully in the boat when the storm arose. How could Jesus sleep so peacefully through a raging storm? It was simple. He knew who He was and the power that was residing in Him. He knew nothing could truly harm Him unless He allowed it and nothing could truly harm His disciples unless He allowed it. The disciples, of course, did not understand that and many times, our response is exactly like theirs. When the storms in our life arise, our first response is to panic, forgetting that Jesus is right there with us. He hasn’t gone anywhere. In fact, He is calmly going through the storm with us - while we are panicking - because He knows who He is and that the One in us is greater than anything or anyone outside of us! He can handle it. It’s not our storm, it’s His!!! In the second story, Jesus was not physically in the boat with them. He was on land praying. Yet, what I find interesting is that while on land, He saw them struggling on the water. Jesus could have left them alone. After all, they were fishermen accustomed to stormy seas. But, He chose to go to them. Jesus saw and He acted. He did not wait for them to cry for help like they did in the first story. He would not have been able to hear them anyway. This is what comes to my mind - God sees, God cares, God acts. God went to them in their time of trouble. God is right there. He is never far away. He is always there, I believe, waiting and looking for every opportunity to come to our rescue if we need it. He never sees us in trouble and leaves us alone to fend for ourselves. I believe He jumps into action and sends His angels to fight on our behalf. As you face the storms of life, I encourage you to take heart in the storm, be encouraged, be strengthened because Jesus has promised to NEVER leave you nor abandon you. He is always there even in those times when He seems far away. He. Is. There. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Saviour, I encourage you to do so now. When storms arise, we need that confidence that there is Someone strong enough and powerful enough to see us through. Jesus is that strength and Saviour we need. We are safe in Him!!!
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February 2025
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |