Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
Some days ago, I watched a brief video by Pastor Mike Todd. It was just a snippet from one of his sermons but it so caught my attention that I saved it. He was talking about being careful with the words that we speak because they could actually be shaping our life and our world. But one line in particular got my attention: “We have a decision as believers to agree with what we see or agree with what God says.” I think that line right there sums it all up. We do have a choice and I think many times we make the wrong one. It can be so easy to go by what we see. We talk about it, we confess it, we complain about it over and over and then wonder why we are still stuck where we are. Now this is not magic or some spooky thing. In the beginning, God spoke the world into being: “Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light” (Genesis 1:3). Further down, the Bible says: Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear,” and it was so” (v. 9). God spoke it and it came into being. God’s very Word is so powerful. Now we can believe all of this but why is it that when God speaks things about us we don’t believe? Because what we are seeing in front of us just doesn’t seem to be matching up, what we are seeing in front of us seems more real than what God is saying to us. I remember when I first heard this, my conscience was pricked and I immediately started putting into practice what I had heard. I became more conscious of what I had been saying all along and started choosing to speak God’s Word in my situation. But let me say this. When we speak what we see and it is negative, our whole mood and attitude is affected by those negative affirmations. When we start, however, to speak what God’s Word has to say our entire mood and attitude changes. We feel more confident, more hopeful, more positive. When that happens any fear present has to flee! Every promise that God has spoken in His Word is for us His children. But what if we are living below the standard God has set for us because of constantly speaking what we see instead of speaking God’s Word over our situation? Life will never be perfect but what if some negative situations can be avoided if we would just speak and confess what God says rather than what we are seeing in front of us? The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6a). We either have faith in God, His ability and His Word or we have faith in what we see. The Bible also says that we walk by faith not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). I know we know all these things but sometimes we need a much-needed reminder of how God expects us to live ... according to His Word NOT according to what we see or what the devil tells us. I know that when discouragement and fear step in it is so easy to speak what we are seeing instead of what God is saying. God’s Word says: I am a child of God ; I am blessed and not cursed; No weapon formed against me shall prosper; I am the head and not the tail; God’s plans are to prosper me not to harm me to give me hope and a future; As for me and my house we will serve the Lord; I am chosen by God before the foundation of the world; nothing can separate me from God’s love which is in Christ Jesus; I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus... And the list goes on and on. If you keep confessing how defeated you are, how incapable you are, how messed up you are, you may never get out of the mess you are in. Guess what? If necessary, ask God’s forgiveness and make it right with Him then ... move on!!! Your negative situation will not last forever. Your trial will come to an end. Whatever God is teaching you in this season, make the best of the lesson and let that be your focus. Whatever you are going through, whether or not it’s your fault, declare that God loves you and He is bringing you out stronger, wiser and better equipped than you ever were before that situation came. Jeremiah 15:16 says: “Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart, for I am called by Your name O Lord God of hosts.” Feed on the Word of God not what you are seeing. I know that is easy to say but as I said when I started speaking God’s Word I felt encouraged, I felt uplifted because I knew that GOD not me would be the One to bring His own Word to pass. So, SPEAK His Word and be encouraged today. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life as Lord and Savior I encourage you to do so now. We cannot survive this life without God. He has equipped us to overcome through His Word. Come into agreement with Him and what His Word says and watch Him make a difference in your life today!
29/1/2022 12:58:06 am
It always amazes me how come up with these timely words week after week. Great encouragement, praise the Lord.
11/2/2022 06:37:12 am
To God be all the glory. He truly knows what we need each week, even each day. Hallelujah!!!
Jehan Renn
30/1/2022 06:16:36 am
Timeless word for the ever changing times. Keep up the great job Sis.Pastor.
11/2/2022 06:39:21 am
Thank you Sis Jehan. To God be all the glory. He is so faithful with a fresh and timely word every week.
11/2/2022 04:06:49 am
I love the summation of Jeremiah 15:16. Isn't that what keeps us- as we eat and make His Word our delight, we can't but speak it.
11/2/2022 06:43:34 am
So so true and as we speak it, we internalise it and it becomes more and more a part of us - a part of our daily life and actions. Thanks for sharing.
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October 2024
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |