Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
When they got up early in the morning, the sun was shining on the water. To the Moabites across the way, the water looked red like blood. “That’s blood,” they said. “Those kings must have fought and slaughtered each other. Now to the plunder Moab!” (2 Kings 3:22-23) God has such an ingenuous way of fighting for and defending His people. He had filled the valley with water as He had promised but He did not stop there. He had also promised them that He would not only provide for their needs but He would deliver their enemies into their hands. Two things come to mind - God provided what they needed to strengthen and sustain them for the battle and He promised them victory in battle. God never does a thing half way. I love the fact that when God steps in, He does a complete work, He leaves nothing undone. Sometimes we may ask God for one thing and God not only fulfils that request but addresses other areas that require attention - even though we did not ask Him for help in those other areas. We can never determine how God will fulfil His promise to us. When God told the kings that He would deliver their enemies into their hands they could not fathom how exactly He would do it. Yet, the following morning, God sent water to them in the valley. As the sun shone on that water early in the morning, to the Moabites it looked like blood and they believed that the kings had killed one another. They rushed off to gather the spoil only to find themselves running straight into their enemies who were able to defeat them. When God makes a promise to you believe that He will keep it. Even though you cannot see how He will do it, believe that He will. Over and over I have said that trust in God is important. He wants us to trust Him believing that He is able and He will fulfil His promises to us. Even when things seem impossible, even when faith is difficult to muster, if God says it, His responsibility is to bring to pass His own Word! He did not tell the three kings how He was going to provide the water nor did He tell them how He was going to deliver their enemies into their hands. Yet, interestingly, when He did fulfil His Word, it was in a way no human could take the credit. He caused the water to miraculously come from Edom and fill the valley and He caused the morning sun to shine on that same water in just the right way that when the Moabites looked at it, it looked like blood. God’s thoughts and ways are truly past finding out! When He steps into our situation, we usually can’t begin to imagine how He will work things out … but He does. Trusting God sometimes means leaving the how, what, where, when in His hands and allowing Him full control to work the way He wants and chooses to work. The reality is, we love to tell Him how to do it, who to use, when to do it, what to do. But, when we relinquish our plan and our desires to Him, He will never disappoint us! That’s the hard part. We tend to forget that we don’t know more than God. There is always that innate desire for control because we want to have a say in how He works things out. But, sometimes, it’s about absolute surrender, allowing His will and His way to take precedence over our will. And, when we surrender, the peace that comes is truly a peace that just does not make sense and it is then that He is able to do above and beyond what we could ask or imagine. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Saviour, I encourage you to make that step today. God wants to do above and beyond what you could ask or think. He wants to give you His best because He has a beautiful plan and purpose for your life. All He wants is for you to trust Him, to trust that His love for you means that He will never give you anything less than the best He desires to give you.
1 Comment
11/10/2023 04:19:03 pm
Keep up the good work Sis. He who has begun a good work in you will peform it until the dsy of Christ.
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October 2024
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |