Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
![]() For the past few mornings the song “Too Faithful” by Moses Bliss has been playing in my mind. I wake up with it and it has almost become like background music playing subconsciously in my mind over and over. This is one of the ways that God speaks to me - through music. It doesn’t matter what I am going through, God will wake me up with just the song I need to take me through the day, through whatever season I may be going through. And, of course, because it’s God, it is always the perfect song, encouragement, strength I need when I need it. I think this song sums up who God has been to me this year and actually even my whole life! I have found myself no longer making the declaration that “God is good” but saying “God is faithful.” It’s not that He isn’t good but somehow the word “faithful” feels like an even stronger affirmation than simply “good.” I think of various characters in the Bible and God’s faithfulness to them. Abraham and Sarah, I am sure, had given up hope on ever being able to have children. Yet, God gave Abraham a word, a word that only He could fulfil – they were going to have a child. He didn’t require fertility on their part ... just their faith that He would do as He had promised. And He was faithful to fulfil His own word to them when they could not! (Genesis 15:1-6; 17:15-16; 21:1-7) I think of David, an unlikely king chosen by God over Israel. David didn’t look the part of a king, yet God chose him. Even after being anointed by the prophet Samuel to be the new king, he was relentlessly pursued by King Saul who did everything in his power to kill him. Yet, God was faithful to preserve and protect David’s life ensuring that he would be the next king over Israel. God did it even when David could not do it himself. (1 Samuel 16:1-13; 19; 2 Samuel 2:1-7; 5:1-5) I think of Joseph who had a dream of greatness even in an environment of jealousy and envy. He could have been killed by his brothers, yet God preserved his life and instead he was sent to exactly the place where that greatness would be realized. Even while there, in Egypt, he faced unfair treatment and imprisonment, but none of these unfortunate circumstances could stop God’s plan and purpose for his life. God, not Joseph, was faithful to make the dream He had given him a reality. God did it! (Genesis 37, 39, 41) We can all, I am sure, look at our own lives and many times what we focus on are all the negative things that have happened and that may still be happening. Each of these characters in the Bible, and there are many more, faced trials, testing and uncertainties, a plethora of negative situations that seemed to challenge, even cancel out what God had spoken to them. I am sure many times they didn’t think they would make it. David’s psalms are testimonies of the many times he felt discouraged and alone as he was pursued by enemies. Abraham and Sarah, who may have felt helpless and hopeless because of their old age and the barrenness of Sarah's womb, turned to her handmaiden for help, help that was not approved by God. And, although the Bible doesn’t give us any insight into Joseph’s feelings during his ordeal, I am pretty sure he too was disheartened and in despair because of all the trouble that was coming against him. Yet, through it all, God was faithful to each of them. What you and I go through is nothing new. The challenges, the testing, the negatives are all part of the devil’s scheme to discourage us from believing that our God is able. But even the devil’s best plans cannot stop God’s purpose for our lives. The thing is this – God is the One who is big enough, powerful enough, faithful enough to accomplish His will and purpose for our lives. Yes, trouble will come, that’s part of life. But God is still a present help in the time of trouble (Psalms 46:1). He is still the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). What He did for various people in the Bible many years ago, He will do for us today and even greater things than those. If you honestly think about it, God has truly been faithful to you more than you even deserve. He has come through for you time and time again and He will continue to do so. If God has done it for you before – and He has I am sure – He will do it for you again. Don’t be discouraged by every new - or old - trial that pops up. The same God that delivered you before will deliver you again and again. That’s why I can say He is faithful. Faithfulness speaks of consistency no matter the situation. He is consistent. He is steadfast. He is unwavering. He does not change. So, yes none of like when bad things happen. But, if we were to look back on our lives we would see how faithful God has been to cover us, to keep us, to protect us, to sustain us, to deliver us, to strengthen us through every situation that we have ever been through and even what we are going through now. God. Is. Faithful. If you have not asked Jesus Christ to come into your life and be your Lord and Saviour I encourage you to do so now. In this world there is tribulation, challenges, trials and we need Someone bigger, stronger and more able than we are to help us overcome what comes our way. God is faithful enough that He will never leave us or abandon us (Deuteronomy 31:8), He will always come through for us, maybe not always the way we would like but the way He knows best. Give Him a chance today. God. Is. Faithful.
4/12/2021 07:31:03 am
Amen. We take for granted how "great" His faithfulness really is! Thanks for the comment.
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February 2025
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |