Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
Yesterday I watched a Bible Study on YouTube that dealt with the reality that God truly cares about us. I felt truly encouraged and motivated and as I thought about what to write to you today, I am reminded of the movie I shared on last week, based on a true story and entitled: “Blue Miracle.” This week, as I focus on the same movie, I’m able to see God’s loving care displayed throughout. The man and his wife struggled to take care of these boys some of whom faced abuse and ill-treatment in foster care before finally finding a home in their orphanage, “Casa Hogar.” The man himself, lost his father as a young boy and knew what it was like to live on very unsafe and violent streets. So, he could more than understand these boys' need for genuine love and care. Unfortunately, sometimes, even when we do good for others it does not mean that life will go smoothly for us. We do good and bad things seem to happen. They provided a safe and loving environment for these boys but financially it was tough. Food was not always easy to come by to feed so many and sometimes the boys complained because of the type of food they had to eat. On top of that, a hurricane came and flooded the building and did some damage. As if that wasn’t enough, the bank was on their case. I think many times in our life, we seem to face challenge after challenge. We go through seasons where we barely get through one situation and another pops up. We feel as if we can’t catch a break. It is then some may wonder, “God, where are You?” This was probably how this man felt. Yet, as I recall this movie I realize one key thing: God had never left him. He had given his heart to the Lord years before so he knew God and God was right there all along taking care of him and his large family. At the right time, just when the bank was close to taking their property, God sent an unhappy, rude fisherman as an answer to prayer. Let me just say here, never underestimate who or what God will use to answer your prayer. He can use anyone or anything to accomplish His perfect will. This same rude, uncouth gentleman had a story and a need of his own. God wasn’t just taking care of one man and his situation, He was using them both to meet each other’s need. Through this partnership in a three-day fishing competition, not only did the orphanage receive the money it needed to stay open, but the fisherman was motivated to reunite with his son living in another state and be a father to his own “orphan.” I could divert a bit here to the story of Ruth. Her mother-in-law, Naomi, and her family left Bethlehem to go to the country of Moab – an idolatrous nation - to escape the famine in their own land. Unfortunately, Naomi’s husband and two sons died leaving Naomi and her two Moabite daughters-in-law widows (Ruth 1:1-5). In desperation, Naomi returned home to Bethlehem and one of her daughters-in-law, Ruth, went with her. She was so bitter that she asked not to be called “Naomi” but “Mara” because she felt that the Lord had dealt bitterly with her (Ruth 1:15-22). This woman had faced loss, pain and disappointment. She felt overwhelmed. Yet, God in His mercy and love for her had not given up on her. He used this same Moabitess, from an idolatrous nation, to change Naomi’s fallen condition to one of hope and prosperity. Ruth even became part of Jesus’ bloodline (Matthew 1:5-16). Throughout this entire ordeal, God had never left or abandoned Naomi. He loved her and cared enough to restore her and prosper her in her latter days (Ruth 4:13-17). God cares. Even though He allows negative things to come our way, He cares. The negative things are not to remind us that we are not good enough, that we are rejected or that we are deserving of the bad that has come along. When you think about it, it’s actually an opportunity for God to prove Himself to us. If everything were great we would never get to see God’s goodness, or His mercy or His love or even His ability to be our superhero and handle totally impossible situations. When tough times come, God wants us to see that He is tougher, more able and stronger than anything that comes our way. I remember going through - and still going through - many tough seasons in my own life’s journey, when I felt like I was going through not just hell alone but hell AND a flood!!! Yet, I not only survived but I saw first-hand how God took care of me, kept me from losing my mind and used me to encourage and comfort and inspire others also going through. I have learned to thank God not just in spite of but FOR the problems. Why? Because I saw the good that came out of them and with each problem I face I know that God will see me through. I am His beloved, His special and precious daughter and He has promised me that He will never leave me or forsake me. Yes, sometimes IT IS TOUGH!!! But with my God it’s not impossible. There are times when I feel overwhelmed but God with His absolutely perfect timing, sends a person, a word, a song, a tangible blessing - just the right encouragement He knows I need to take me to the next level, to see me through another day, another challenge... God knows, God cares, and He may not take the problem away immediately or stop it from coming your way but He will cover you, shield you, protect you, love you, keep you and when the time is right, use you for His honour and glory! God. Cares. About. You. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Saviour, don’t wait any longer, just do it. In a world filled with darkness, hopelessness and pain, give God a chance to just love you and care for you like no other. Stop looking for love in all the wrong places and let God be the love and the hope that you need and so desperately desire.
Philmore Daniel
12/6/2021 08:12:39 am
Right on point babes perfect encouragement. Blessings
13/6/2021 01:59:12 pm
Thanks daddy.
Vernice Marcia Buchan-Mansingh
19/6/2021 04:43:18 pm
Inspite of howcit appears to us ,God hasvit 8n order.thankyou sis Kerry
Kerry-Ann Lewis
21/6/2021 11:33:27 am
Yes, Sis Vernice, God has it under control. You're welcome. Be blessed.
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October 2024
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |