Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
On a certain day Jesus got into a boat with His disciples. They were on their way to the other side of the lake. Along the way He fell asleep and a storm arose and the boat started to fill up with water. The disciples panicked and woke Him up bringing His attention to the jeopardy they were in. Instead of panicking the way they were, Jesus simply rebuked the wind and the waves saying: "Peace, be still!" Everything became calm and the disciples marvelled wondering at the fact that the winds and the waves obeyed Jesus. (Mark 4:35-41)
In recent times, as I have faced various storms in my life, just like the disciples, I have found myself panicking. I would become fearful and start imagining the worst in my situation. But God has whispered something to me during those times that has served to calm me and bring peace to my spirit. Very simply He has told me: "I am in the boat." Those words have been a source of strength and encouragement and have helped to stop the feelings of panic. It's as if God is saying to me, "Don't worry, the storm may be raging but I am in the boat with you. You are not alone. I'm seeing everything you are going through and I am right there with you. You will be alright." What storm are you facing now? What situation seems so big, so much more powerful than you that you can't see how you will ever get through it? What waves, what winds are battering your boat in the storms of life? "It's hopeless; I can't do this, it's too big for me to handle." What lies are the devil feeding into your mind that make you feel like giving up or giving in? Let me remind you of this truth: JESUS IS IN YOUR BOAT! You are NOT alone. You are NOT defeated! It's NOT over until God says it's over! Jesus said to His disciples, "Why are you so fearful?" My question to you is: "Why are you so fearful?" If your life is in God's hands then nothing or no one can destroy you. Even the most impossible situation God is able to handle because He is the God of the impossible. Nothing is impossible for Him! So the next time that storm comes beating into your boat speak to yourself and say, "Jesus is in the boat, I am not alone, God's got this!"
12/7/2017 05:16:01 am
Amen....God's got me!
15/7/2017 09:17:21 am
Thank you for those words, very inspirational, God is really in the boat...
17/7/2017 06:04:48 pm
Yes He is and once we make the choice to focus on Him instead of on the storm we will get the victory.
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October 2024
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |