Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
I have chosen to continue with the song “Firm Foundation” by Cody Carnes. I gleaned so much encouragement and strength from it, I am choosing to pull as much from it as possible. I love the entire song, but there’s a part that really spoke to me - the bridge. It highlights the reality of the challenges of life. We can’t always escape them but we can survive in the midst of them (Matthew 7:24-25). Rain came, wind blew But my house was built on you I’m safe with you I’m gonna make it through. I was first introduced to this song during my own storm. I was scrolling through some worship videos on YouTube when I decided to listen to this one. It was new to me but one morning as I awoke I heard over and over again in my mind the words, “I’m gonna make it through.” I don’t think I even remembered immediately where I had heard that line but when I did remember, I pulled up the song and it became a great source of hope and encouragement for me during trying times. I recall even now a testimony I listened to recently about Ryan, an eighteen-year old young man who suffered severe injury after a ski accident. His L1 vertebrae had been shattered and he faced the possibility that he might never walk again. He was scared but he prayed and trusted in his God. His family also rallied around him in prayer. To make a long story short, through prayer, therapy and sheer determination, he gradually regained feeling below his waist and was able to walk and continues to do so with the help of orthopaedic braces. He was afraid he might not have been able to cross the stage in his graduation on his own to accept his diploma … but he did! Testimonies like Ryan’s of how God intervenes in impossible situations is a reminder to us that once we build our house on God, the rains and the winds of life will not be able to prevail against us! We are safe in Christ and we have the confidence that we are going to make it! This faith is usually NOT based on what the eyes can see or our feelings experience, but strictly on what God’s Word says and on HIS ability - not ours - to do impossible things. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Saviour, I encourage you to do so now.You have nothing to lose when you choose to put your trust in God. We cannot get away from the storms of life but when our life is hidden in God, we are safe and nothing can prevail against us!
8/2/2023 01:45:56 pm
Keep on writing babes, I'm encouraged every time. These blogs always reminds me of who I am in Christ
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October 2024
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |