Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
![]() Several mornings ago, I woke up, greeted God with my usual: “Good morning Lord,” and after a few minutes went to my window and looked up at the sky. It’s something I do ever so often because there are sometimes some artistic and fascinating displays that I’m just able to see before they disappear, and that only God can accomplish. Sometimes I even commend Him because after all He’s that good, He’s the best artist I know! On this particular morning as I looked up I saw an extremely dark cloud. It was almost menacing, and it strongly suggested that there might be some rain. But then I saw something else that caught my attention even more. I saw the sun, recently risen and it looked as if the cloud was trying to block it but couldn’t quite succeed. The brightness of that yellow globe caught my attention because it seemed to say, “you are NOT going to stop me from shining!” I mean that sun just seemed to push its way through in spite of how dark that cloud was; it meant as much business as that ominous looking cloud did and it was not backing down. Sometimes we too have to make up our mind not to back down. Negative circumstances and situations will come but we have to choose not to back down and give in to defeat, discouragement and despair. David had to push past Goliath’s negative and menacing threats and decide that his God was going to shine NOT Goliath. No giant was going to block out His God’s light (see 1 Samuel 17). King Jehoshaphat had to push past the reality of that combined army coming against his tiny nation and put his eyes on His God and worship with his people, expecting His God to do something big … and He did. No combined army was going to block out their God’s light (see 2 Chronicles 20:1-24). We are the light of the world because Christ lives in us (Matthew 5:14). How many times do we allow dark, menacing situations to block out the light of Christ in us? How many times do we make excuses and allow the devil to have his way? Some situations may be so tough that they downright knock the air right out of us. But we have to push! We have to make up our minds that we are going to make it. We are not going to die in this situation, we are not going to accept defeat because God says we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37). He didn’t just say that we are conquerors but MORE THAN conquerors. Yes, it’s going to be tough. Yes, the battle will be uphill sometimes or even most times. But God’s Word also says that “God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8 CSB). Do you know what that means? It means that you have more than enough of God’s grace, you are properly equipped to handle whatever comes your way every day. When I understood this as I read Priscilla Shirer’s devotional, “Awaken,” this morning, I felt encouraged because it means that no matter what dark cloud comes my way, God has equipped me to be able to PUSH through. He has not left me helpless or hopeless. I only feel that way when I don’t understand how much He has indeed equipped me with all I need for this life every day! So, as I began my day, equipped with this knowledge and understanding, I felt encouraged. Did challenges come today? Of course they did!!! That’s part of life. But as I remembered the Word God gave me this morning, I reminded myself that God’s grace was there to carry me through my day. He had already equipped me to handle it. I don’t know what your dark cloud looks like. It may be light grey or it may be so dark that it’s almost black. Guess what? God has already equipped you to handle it. His grace is sufficient for you, and when you are weak He is strong in and for you (2 Corinthians 12:9a). Sometimes, though, you have to step aside and say: “God I can’t push anymore, I don’t have the strength or the motivation to do it. Do it for me please. Push for me please because I can’t, I don’t even want to.” God understands our honesty and sometimes we just need to honestly say, “God I can’t, You do it.” We don’t have to do the pushing on our own. Even though He has equipped us we don’t have to do it alone. Sometimes you just have to get out of the driver’s seat and let Him drive. All that is a part of it. Just. Don’t. Give. Up! There’s a song called “Reckless Love”, sung by Cory Asbury. It speaks about how much God will pursue us and push any obstacle out of the way to get to us. Well, if He will push His way through to get to you He will push His way through for you when you can’t do it yourself. He’s that strong and that able! So, go ahead and let your light … PUSH through!
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February 2025
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |