Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
![]() Recently, this week, I was going through Facebook and saw a testimony given by a young woman about her experience with cancer. She shared her pain, her confusion about why she had to go through this and her feelings of defeat. It was not easy for her and there were days when she just wanted to end it all. Yet, she did not give up and she put her trust in God even when it was difficult to do so. Thank God, finally, a few months ago she found out that she is in remission and she gives God all the glory for seeing her through. One of the things she said that caught my attention even in the midst of her already awesome testimony was: “Oh to be kept by God!” This caught my attention because it was a reminder of the reality that we are indeed kept by God. Sometimes, as Christians we tend to think that because we are serving God things should be great all the time. When problems come, therefore, we feel so discouraged that we may begin to wonder if God is there at all. But I’m realizing more and more that it is through tough times that we really get to see who our God is. As we focus our eyes and hearts on Him in the midst of our distress, we can feel His strength and His hope, keeping us from completely falling apart. I have never had cancer but I could sense this young woman’s pain during her difficult journey. She was not pretending that everything was okay and that the road was easy but she admitted that during her traumatic journey, God was there, her Rock, her Strength, her Hope. God was keeping her even when she couldn’t keep herself. I remember even my own challenges in my Christian walk even to this day. After rededicating my life to the Lord, I remember finally understanding that Christianity was about relationship not religion. I was enjoying a truly intimate time with God, hearing His voice in ways I had not experienced before and experiencing His blessings in phenomenal ways. But I also distinctly remember that those initial years were bombarded with struggles in my flesh to the point that there were times that I thought my life would be easier if I were not serving God. But God never allowed me to give up on myself or even on Him. I remember times when I too like this young lady, struggled with suicidal thoughts and desires because I was so discouraged and felt like an absolute failure as a Christian. Yet, God kept me!!! He NEVER gave up on me and never allowed me to give up on myself either. He understood my struggles but continued to believe in what He had deposited in me. It wasn’t about my goodness, because I certainly felt far from good many times, it was about His goodness, His purpose for my life, His love for me that refused to let me go! It was amazing. One of the other things she said that caught my attention was: “If it had not been for the Lord on my side!” Let’s face it, when we are going through, the battle can feel pretty lonely at times. Sometimes, no matter where we turn or who we turn to, there seems to be no answer to our problem. God seems and feels far away and very silent. But guess what? No matter how we may feel, or how things appear, God is right there. He hasn’t gone anywhere. Sometimes we just need to fill our minds and hearts with His Word. What is His Word saying concerning our situation? Sometimes we just have to consistently speak His Word over our life, our battle, our feelings. No matter how bad it looks God is on your side why? Because His plans are still to prosper us not to harm us, to give us HOPE and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). It is still NOT God’s will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9b). God is truly not interested in destroying us but saving us and while we are alive that opportunity for salvation is always there. What happens after we die and where we will end up – heaven or hell – is dependent on the decisions we make now. So, if you have not done so, now is the time to ask Jesus to come into your life and to adopt you as one of His own. Let’s face it, life will always have challenges, but how much better to go through those tough times knowing that you are in a relationship with and kept by a God who is always on your side!!!
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February 2025
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |