Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
Have you ever wondered how Jesus could impact so many lives in a powerful and mighty way yet He Himself was not negatively impacted by their infirmities? Jesus came into contact with so many people inflicted with contagious diseases as well as negative situations, yet, He was not negatively affected by what was afflicting them. As I look back on His life, I recall that everyone who connected with Him experienced transformation, healing, deliverance and yet, He was not at all negatively impacted by their infirmities! He changed them from unclean to clean yet their situation could not change Him from clean to unclean. He connected with the woman with the issue of blood and instead of becoming unclean when she touched Him, she became clean while He remained clean (Matthew 9:20-22). He even came into contact with lepers and did not contract that contagious disease. In Genesis, after Adam and Eve sinned God prophesies this to the serpent and to Eve: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (Genesis 3:15). To me that is simply confirmation that the enemy is under Jesus’ feet. Jesus has triumphed over all the works of the enemy. So, what is unclean or evil cannot prevail against Him! I can also parallel here the book of Leviticus where the laws for the Israelites to live by are clearly outlined. In chapter eleven we see a list of animals that were considered clean and unclean, that could be eaten and that should not be eaten. One of those laws had to do with touching the carcass of an unclean animal. Whatever touched it or whatever it fell upon and touched was considered unclean. Interestingly, however, if any part of that carcass fell upon seed to be sown, the seed would remain clean (v. 37). It would not be contaminated in any way! In the New Testament the parable of the sower reveals that seed as the Word of the kingdom (Matthew 13:18-23). This caught my attention. It reminded me of the reality of the power of the Word of God. Not even something that is dead could take the life and power from it. It is that powerful and alive! Jesus Himself is that Word according to John 1:1-4,14 and whatever He spoke and determined had to come to pass! When we speak the Word of God we should expect that it has the power to overcome that negative thing. It doesn’t matter what looks dead in your life, what looks as if it will never change or never work out, keep standing on the Word of God. Many of the people healed by Jesus were healed because of their faith. They could have focused on their dead situation but they chose to focus on the One who could reverse their situation and even bring it back to life. The One person who is not moved by what is dead is God because He has power over death, hell and the grave. So when we speak what He says, we expect that He can and will reverse even the most hopeless situation. In my own life as I face various challenges, God has been teaching me an important lesson. When I stand on His Word, no matter what negative thing comes my way, that negative thing, cannot cancel out what God’s Word says. Where my health is concerned, any negative symptoms cannot cancel out the fact that God’s Word says that by Jesus’ stripes I am healed! Sometimes we get so distracted and discouraged by our “symptoms,” we tend to take our eyes off of what God has said and focus on the negative that we can see or feel. What does God’s Word say about your situation, about your finances, about your family, about your marriage, about your health, about your deliverance? The Bible says that God’s Word is forever settled in Heaven (Psalm 119:89), that He watches over His Word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12), that His Word will not return to Him void but will accomplish what He desires it to accomplish (Isaiah 55:11). God’s Word is steadfast and immoveable. Nothing moves it, nothing changes it, nothing contaminates it. We can depend on it! It may not move as quickly as we would like but it will fulfil itself in God’s perfect timing! If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Saviour, I encourage you to do so today. Life can knock you down and try to keep you down but the Word of God has the power to revive, resurrect and sustain. It never fails and will always be the source of hope and strength needed in challenging times.
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October 2024
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |