Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
"If you couldn't say a word I could still use you..." These words spoken by God to American gospel music artist Todd Galberth as he battled the reality of the effects of cancer in his body. He had tried to sing and could not and as tears streamed down his face God spoke this into his spirit. God was not looking at him differently, He had not changed His mind about him. Some time later, God completely healed him and he was able to sing again. God reminded him that He was interested in a relationship with him. It wasn't about what he could or could not do. God was interested in him!
Sometimes, because of negative circumstances or situations we may feel washed up, useless. A negative medical report, a harsh word spoken by someone whose opinion matters, maybe it's a betrayal by someone you expected to be on your side or maybe a business has fallen through. Whatever the situation or circumstance, it has left you feeling that all hope is lost, that maybe you can't be used by God like before, that that dream that you had is now dead and best buried, that maybe you just need to give up and stop trying, stop hoping, stop believing. Let's face it, life happens. We don't usually get to choose the bad things that come our way. They seem chosen for us. But here's hope . . . no matter what comes our way to stop us, to hinder us, to even plain destroy us, it can't stop God from using us, it can't change His mind about us or His love for us. Let's look at Joseph. Life seemed to deal him an unfair and harsh blow. He was separated from his home and family, he was falsely accused and thrown into prison, yet, all these things failed to render him useless in God's hands. Think about it. Who would have thought that a foreigner with a criminal record - for attempted rape no less - would become a top leader in Egypt, Pharaoh's right hand man? Only God! Joseph probably thought that his dream was now unattainable . . . at least his circumstances seemed to say so. But God still favoured and used him, even while he was still in prison, and He even used his negative circumstances to make his dream a reality. Todd Galberth also mentioned the fact that nothing is wasted by God. I've been hearing this recently. God uses everything, the good, the bad, the in between in your life, to produce His will, His purpose for you. Nothing in your life is wasted by God! When you put it in this perspective, you realise that there is nothing in your life that can go so wrong that God can't use you. Simply say, "God here I am with all my failures, with all my limitations, with all my challenges. Lord if You can use anything, use me." And He will!!!
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February 2025
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |