Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
![]() Many times we don't recognize "help" when it comes. We can be so absorbed in our problems that we miss it. The disciples were out at sea alone without Jesus. The winds became contrary and it was difficult to control the boat. Jesus came to them walking on the water. They did not recognize him and thought it was a ghost. Mark 6:49 says: "And when they saw Him walking on the sea, they supposed it was a ghost, and cried out." (NKJV) Could it be that they were so caught up with trying to save themselves that they could not recognize their true help? So many times we get caught up with trying to save ourselves using our methods and our knowledge. So many times we run to other people as our help and the last one we turn to when all else fails is God Himself. Maybe they could not recognize Jesus because they could not see Him as their "help". They were too busy looking at themselves and each other for help. They were seasoned seamen. They were accustomed to storms and contrary conditions. They knew what to do when these situations arose. Each man knew what his task, his responsibility was. So maybe they were too busy trying to save themselves that they almost missed the real Saviour. How many of us are like that? I am. It is so much easier, at times, to look to others first, to look to ourselves first before looking to God. We try everything we can to remedy our situation and when all of our efforts fail, we finally turn to God. I remember one occasion when I was going through a really tough situation in my life and immediately I wanted, even needed, to call someone to talk to them. I did. But guess what? I did not get through because they were apparently not at home at the time. Through that situation and even others after, I realized that sometimes God removes our human support systems because He wants us to come to Him, to lean on Him. As humans we have a natural desire of course to reach out to someone we can touch, we can feel. We can't see God so we tend to run to someone we can see. And so sometimes He moves our human support out of the way just to get us to run to Him instead, the One who has all the help we need even if we cannot physically touch Him or even see Him. Let's not miss God in the midst of our situation. The situation was created to show who God really is. Without that negative situation we would not get to see how big our God really is. We love to praise God "in spite of" the situation. Let's learn to praise Him "for" it because without that situation we would not get to see how "great" our God really is. Yes, we see His greatness in good times but He really gets to "show off" when problems come our way. It is at these times that we see His might, His power, His strength, His ability. Let's learn to thank God for the situation because it draws us closer to Him and helps make us into what He wants us to be.
20/8/2015 08:28:01 am
This is soooo true. I immediately think of two situations in my life which reflect the idea of not recognizing 'my help'. A few years ago I experienced some difficulties with my washing machine and I didn't have the name or number of a technician; so as a dutiful Christian I prayed about it asking Father to provide the help I needed. Simultaneously some repairs of the same sort was taking place in my apartment building and I befriended the technicians. Being the hospitable woman that I am I took them refreshments as they worked and chatted with them...all the while as they repaired the appliances in the main kitchen. Not once did it occur to me that the technician could repair my washer and that Father had sent the help I'd asked for. At the end of the visit I'd return to my apartment and earnestly and in faith ask Father for 'help'. Hmmmm how blind can we be sometimes...the answer to my prayer had been sent the very first day but I just did not see it. Maybe I had my own preconceived idea of what the answer would look like...talk about being a dummy Christian. I have since prayed, 'Father open the eyes of my understanding that I will see and know your provision for every area of my life.
Kerry-Ann Lewis
20/8/2015 01:59:30 pm
So true. It is a work in progress but thank God He is faithful and He very patiently and lovingly brings us to the point where we automatically run to Him in time of trouble because we trust that nothing is too difficult or even insignificant for Him to handle.
Criscel Augustin
24/8/2015 03:31:41 am
Keri, i love those last few comments. God indeed loves to show off. Ive seen this over and over again in my short walk. He remains simply amazing in delivering us out just in time. However, before our delivrance at the inception of a rough situation, i find that initially the thought of checking Papa first doesnt always come.
24/8/2015 12:40:27 pm
It is just natural for us not to run to Him first. BUT may we mature to the point where running to Him first does become the 'natural' thing to do.
2/9/2015 12:28:35 am
I think that sometimes we don't run to Him first because we don't think that we are deserving of His help. Often times we believe God for everyone else but ourselves. I know many times that was the case for me. It's about truly knowing who our God is and how much He loves us and desires to bless us. He wants us to run to Him no matter what and to come to Him first!!
4/9/2015 06:35:06 pm
That's so true. It is easier many times to believe God for everyone else except ourselves. But we are just as important to God, we are just as precious to Him and He is just as desirous of seeing to our needs and desires. He is 'our' Help too!
5/9/2015 05:24:04 pm
What resonated with me are two things. The fact that we often miss God in the midst of a situation. And that's fair, because honestly a troubling situation can really prove to be a distraction, however spiritual maturity allows you to see God in that situation no matter what! The second thing was to worship God for a situation instead of in spite of...that was something I had never considered and will definitely try more often until it becomes natural. Thank you for pointing that out! God Bless.
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February 2025
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |