Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
![]() What my eyes can’t see, I still believe Everything spoken to me There’s no word that can come back void I will trust the report of the Lord (While I’m Waiting, Travis Greene) Today, I heard a song I have not heard for a long time. I found myself searching for it on YouTube and listening to it on replay. The above lyrics come from that song, While I’m Waiting, by Travis Greene. I am reminded of the reality that we may all be waiting for something - healing, financial breakthrough, restoration of a relationship, etc. I am beginning to believe that waiting is an integral part of our human existence. We don’t always like it but interestingly, we need it because it is in the waiting sometimes that God can do His greatest work in us. We would all like for the end result to come quickly yet, it is in that sometimes difficult season that we grow, we develop, we are made stronger, wiser, more able and equipped to handle whatever life brings our way. I love the first few lines of the verse above. We would all prefer, I’m sure, to see so that we can believe. However, that is not always how God allows things to happen. I recall the story of Thomas, one of the twelve disciples who was not present when Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection (John 20:24-29). When told of their meeting, Thomas declared that he would not believe until he was able to see and touch the nail scars in His hands and touch his side which had been pierced. We love to call him doubting Thomas but many of us are just like him. We find it difficult to hold on to faith when there is no physical evidence to back it up. Yet, God wants us to trust Him, to trust that His Word to us is all we need at times and it will come to pass. According to Isaiah 55:10-11, God’s Word will not return to Him empty but it will accomplish what He says it will accomplish. Have you ever trusted someone, trusted that they will do what they say? Well, it’s the same with God. We can trust that what He tells us He will do, He will truly do. The problem however, may not be what He says but the fact that we have to wait for it to come to pass. It is during this period that our faith and trust may begin to waver. God had promised Abraham that he would make him a great nation (Genesis 12:2). The problem was Abraham’s wife, Sara, was barren. On top of that, they were both very old and his wife past the stage of child-bearing. There was nothing in their favour to help bring God’s Word to him to pass. This would have to be all God’s doing. Twenty-five years later God did as He had promised and Sarah gave birth to a son, Isaac (Genesis 21:1-3). I am sure the wait was not any easy one. I do not think, however, that Abraham ever wavered in his faith that God would make him the father of many nations. He just had a hard time understanding exactly how God would do it in the face of their obvious limitations. And sometimes, it’s the same with us. I don’t know what your waiting season looks like but I am pretty sure it is not an easy one. Your faith may have wavered many times and maybe there were times when you simply gave up. But God may be saying to you today, don’t give up. If He has given you a Word it is His responsibility to bring it to pass, not yours. You may not know how, when or who He will choose to use. You just have to trust that He will get the job done. It may take a few weeks, a few months, or even years but God is not constrained or controlled by time like we are. His timing will always be perfect. So, while you’re waiting, choose to still believe His Word to you no matter how long it takes. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Saviour, I encourage you to do so today. While you wait for problems to resolve, for situations to turn around, for breakthrough to come, God is not worried like you may be. He knows that His Word is sure and His timing is perfect. So, as difficult as it may be, trust Him because He WILL bring His Word to pass.
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February 2025
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |