Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
While at work thirty miles away, Gary received a frantic call from his wife, Robin. She was experiencing an intense headache and felt like she was having a stroke. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance where she was then flown by helicopter to another hospital where she underwent immediate surgery. Gary quickly drove to the hospital praying all the way. He found out that his wife suffered a brain bleed and according to her doctor, seventy-one percent of people don’t survive what she was going through. After the surgery, she was put on life support and Gary sent out requests for prayer to friends and family. Someone from his church sent him a text which stated that this was not unto death but to the glory of God. He held tightly to that word while Robin had her good days and her bad days. One day, as Gary pulled into his driveway after a visit to the hospital, he heard in his spirit the words: “Whose report are you gonna believe?” Out loud he responded: “I choose to believe Your Word!” The next day when he visited her, Robin was showing signs of improvement. Both Gary and the doctor agreed that she was looking better. As if in agreement with them, Robin threw her right arm up over her head! Her improvement continued over the next three months. Today she is fully recovered with no serious side effects and is even back out to work much to the amazement of her doctor. What truly catches my attention is the Lord asking Gary whose report he was going to believe, to which Gary responded without hesitation that he chose to believe His Word. Gary remembered the Word from the Lord and expected nothing less than what God had told him would to come to pass. So, in spite of doctors cautioning him not to get too hopeful, he held on to his hope in God’s direct Word to him. I really believe that God’s Word is powerful. I believe that it cannot return to Him empty. In other words, as I like to tell God, His Word must return to Him saying: “Mission accomplished!” It cannot return to Him without fulfilling the task He sent it to fulfil. Gary knew his wife would not die because he believed that God had told him so. Even though the doctors' words were discouraging, he chose to hold on to God’s Word not theirs. Again, it’s a faith thing. You either believe God or you don’t. The key thing is knowing what He has said to you. I have learned to delve into His Word myself and allow Him to guide me to the scriptures suited to my situation. It is not easy holding on to His Word when there are voices around you telling you otherwise. Psalm 119:105 says: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” God’s Word is there to guide us, to light up our path showing us the way we should go. It may not always be easy especially when you may only see directly in front of you and not further ahead. Yet, it’s also about trusting God to give you only so much guidance as needed, as He takes you through that situation. God wants us to trust Him every step of the way. I think that’s why He doesn’t give us the whole picture all at once. Gary could not see the end of this situation, neither could his wife. They both had to trust that, step by step, God would lead them to a safe destination. At times I am asked about knowing God’s voice. I think that as God’s children, we know His voice. The problem is we may not always like what His voice is saying to us. Yet, at the end of the day, God will lead us to a safe and desirable destination and we will be able to look back and say: “Look what the Lord has done!” If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and Saviour, I encourage you to do so today. God desires relationship with us, the kind of relationship where we know His voice and trust His Word to us especially in challenging situations. He will never lead us astray and will always be there to help us safely navigate every difficult path we face on the way to His desired purpose for us.
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October 2024
AuthorThis blog provides inspirational nuggets inspired by the Word of God and serves to encourage and motivate Christians in their Christian walk. |